Investigation and research have become a key process for graphic designers over the years. Problem solving is a big driving factor for various designers. "Research-driven approach can help define the way problems are solved". Research gives designers new perspectives and a variety of approaches. Rather than adding to the world of aesthetically pleasing visuals, designers can further understand and communicate their solutions. Three main topics that a designer would best benefit from are Theory, Planning and action. Quantitative and qualitative are the two most basic and efficient data gathering methods.  Both methods can significantly suffice a designers need for data. Quantitative data can express from researched data based on numbers and objective data. Qualitative data tends to be the method that Human Centered Designers lean towards due to the purpose of understanding qualities of the specified data. Qualitative data tends to encompass subjective materials. Primary and Secondary research stem from these types of research. Primary being research one company gathers through focus groups, interviews and surveys. Secondary research is that of which comes from primary research. Companies may find it less costly and resourceful to compare the research of another companies to better their data and products. Lastly Formative and Summative Research can aid designers in the process of how their product of designs might be handled as well as if the problem was improved. 
Through our beginning stages of research for my human centered design class, I have had to decide what type of research would be suit a quality outcome for my particular data. I, as well as my peers, have dipped our toes into the research aspects of Human Centered Design. We are maneuvering our way through these different steps and types of research. 

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