Interviews are a huge resource in human centered design. Through the process of interviewing we as designers get to hear people's own words rather than assumptions. We unlock many insights and understanding that would never be heard without this method of research. Three researchers is the perfect number to conduct these research as to not overwhelm the interviewee. Each team member is designated a task in order to focus on what is being heard, said and seen in the interview. It is the most optimal way to hone in on what is actually being said rather than assumptions. Although in-person interviews are ideal due to COVID they are conducted through zoom. Although this is a change in the process it still has pertinent meaning. COnducting the right type of question in the interview is important. One must not sway the interviewee into one category of thought but rather lean them towards the information needed for further research. The environment in which these interviews are to take place must make the interviewee feel safe and comfortable in order to get the best results.
A group interview rather one on one is a little different. This gives more insight into many different opinions at once rather than each individual. Opinions might be more swayed. These interviews need to be conducted more strategically to get the most beneficial information for both parties involved. One must find the balance of the group and pull those questions from those who tend to be on the quieter side. This however is a great tool to see those of who might be more knowledgeable or want to go more in depth of the topic at hand.
Expert interviews can lead a group to more concrete history and information that might be as well known to some of the community. These interviews can help a researchers gain information about successes and failures. Expert interviews are more focused on the gathering more information about the topic at hand rather than finding ways to design for that particular person/group. These questions are to be more researched based rather than opinionated.
lastly when conducting interviews designers must define one's audience. This step helps narrow in on what questions need to be asked and how in depth on might go. It is critical to know who one is designing for. Defining your audience furthers the questions of not only who one might be designing for but who will benefit from the end solutions.
The Field Guide to Human Centered Design Pages 15-16, 39-44, 49-51